How to design a web site

       A web site should be created to appeal the market that you open for. The feel and look of the site should be pleasing to the eye, easy to navigate and give plenty information to the visitor so he or she can decide if wants to do business with you. Create a theme and use it on each page to create a consistent look.

Normally web sites have an entry page (like a business card) a product/ service page, an about page, a form of gathering information or call customer to action page. Of course, you can create as many pages as you wish, or need, as many as your hosting company allows you.

Keep pages organized, make sure your navigation buttons are visible allowing easy flow through the site. Post phone number or e-mail address on top of pages, where visitors can see it without having to look for them. Use clear type fonts, use complementary colors to enhance the look of your pages. Do not overdo with pictures, graphics or animations. Keep pages in within the size of the window frame without having to scroll down or to your right

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